Jezebel, Ruth, & The Silence In-Between

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I hate being a woman. Well, let me rephrase that: If I had the choice, I would not be a woman. No, I’m not tripping about childbirth or menstrual cramps. Neither do I care about the countless painstaking ways we try to improve our appearance. It’s just that the kind of woman I am doesn’t often fair well with either gender, and if I was just a dude, my life would be so much easier.

You see, I’m the kind of woman who cares more about what I put into my body than what I put on it. I abhor the idea of someone being more drawn to my appearance than my intellect. I would rather cry and fight over injustice than cry and fight over a man. I’m not too fond of misogyny, inequality, or hypocrisy and I don’t hesitate to express it. Most importantly, I will never knowingly step on another woman’s toes to chase after a man. I think it’s one of the worst things a person can do and I never tolerated that behavior in former friends.

Perhaps, these unconventional values and traits are the reasons I have more former female friends than present ones. They might also explain my several “brothers” actually being like brothers and not a bunch of dudes I’ve been with in the past or desire to be with in the future. But of course, this is yet another unconventional trait that repulses the vast majority of men and women. But honestly, I wouldn’t even mind being socially ostracized if it didn’t occur in the church more than anywhere else.

The truth is that I’ve always faced some difficulty being the type of woman I am, but I never hated being a woman until I became more active in the church. Sexism and gender inequality are on center stage in many congregations, yet no one’s booing or throwing rotten tomatoes. Even in predominately female audiences, there are claps and cheers where there should be gasps and sneers. Instead of walking out on this never-ending show of misogyny, we stampede to get a good seat and don’t care who gets trampled in the process. Of course, those who get trampled are the women who struggle to meet the status quo, who don’t dare to be different because they just are. And the women who overcame their own struggles with conformity not that long ago look down on them in disgust like, “Eww! What’s wrong with her?” I’ve seen this happen so many times that I tend to avoid large groups of women and try to engage sisterhood on a person by person basis. Yet, even in those situations, I’ve still gotten burned.

After wrestling with this issue for so long, I decided to come clean to a couple of friends, male and female, about my concerns with the treatment of women in church. Although I’m more disturbed by the women who do the mistreating than the men, I understand why this “crabs in the barrel” mentality exists. Many people in general live by the archaic concept that only the fittest survive; and by virtue, only the fittest are worthy of survival. Yet this theory, which has long since been exposed for its bigoted origins and disproven by many great minds, continues to live on somehow. It goes to show that depravity trumps reason; and unfortunately, in many cases, depravity trumps faith. Despite Christ proclaiming “the last shall first and the first shall be last,” we still insist on competing with each other — at least for the time being.

The competitive tension among women is nothing new; it’s just that, over time, the tension has increased. There was a time when a woman was considered a prize and men lined up to compete for her affection. However, one day, men wised up and said, “Hold up, we run this!” so the new attitude became, “We don’t love them hoes.” Of course, it’s far from true, but they said it so often that women actually started to believe it. The claws came out and everything became about impressing and oppressing each other until men were practically pushed out of the picture. Hair, makeup, clothes, relationships, and weddings all became about outdoing the “next b*tch” and men were the means used to accomplish those ends. To put it plainly, gender relations are all messed up and intragender competition has distorted the purpose of companionship.

But how does all of this play out in the church? Interestingly enough, not much differently than in the world — we just have a way of being so mean while making it look so nice. Rather than outdo each other in promiscuity, Christian women try to outdo each other in modesty. Instead of criticizing the next woman’s weave, we whisper to each other about the length of her skirt. Insults become rebukes. Cliques become accountability groups. It’s all the same game, just under a different name. Then, there’s this whole obsession with Proverbs 31. If you’re a woman and you ain’t a Proverbs 31, you ain’t nothing! On the flip side, where is the equivalent standard for men? Where is their rubric? There are several scriptures about the biblical standards for men, but they aren’t nearly as popular. For what reason? I won’t speculate, but I’m sure you could guess a few. Now, if the only acceptable woman is a Proverbs 31, what about those who don’t quite meet that standard? How do we classify them? Come here, Jezebel! The “Jezebel spirit” is at work in every woman who doesn’t live, breath, and dream Proverbs 31. If that’s not her holy grail, she’s headed for scorching hell. I’ve never actually heard anyone say these things, but sometimes it’s what you don’t say that screams the loudest.

To say I’m tired of this foolishness would be an understatement. I’m sick, exhausted, disgusted, and disheartened. I want so badly for more women and men to recognize this issue and become active in addressing it. The first step, I feel, is to recognize the difference between patriarchy and biblical order. Patriarchy says that men are superior, but biblical order says that men are family leaders. God created men and women in his image, so we are equally loved and appreciate by Him. Although our roles within the family unit are different, one isn’t superior to the other. Just as I’m charged to follow in the example great women of faith set before me, men are charged to follow in the example Christ set before them.  If a man can fall short and grace is shown towards him, that grace should be shown towards women who fall short as well.

Sisters, please stop competing with each other. What God has for you, if it is in fact for you, cannot be taken away. You are not saved by marriage or perfection, you are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Find your complete worth in a relationship with God instead of seeking the approval of man. If a husband is in fact in your future, serving and doing for others with the love of Christ will prepare you to fulfill the role of a wife. If you can cook, feed the homeless. If you can clean, grab a broom and pick a neighborhood. If you love children, volunteer at a youth outreach center. While you are yet single, allow your virtues to be a blessing to your community; because, until you have a family, that is your first ministry.

We all have a purpose to serve in this life, a path to walk down, and it will differ for each person. I know that God made me a woman for a reason, and although it can be difficult at times, I fully embrace His plan. Please pray for me as I continue to grow and learn more about myself. Pray that I not rebel when I become frustrated, but instead allow that tension to sharpen my mind and spirit. I hope that anyone reading this can see my heart behind it; and even if you don’t agree, please continue to move the conversation forward.

8 thoughts on “Jezebel, Ruth, & The Silence In-Between

  1. As said beautifully written, informative, opinionated, and extremely honest I applaud again. It’s great

  2. As a black woman, I can definitely identify with many of your sentiments. You said a lot I would like to comment on, but I know brevity is important too. There is definitely an obsession with the Proverbs 31 woman in the Christian community. Proverbs and Ecclesiastes are my most favorite books of the Bible. King Solomon wrote and/or collected the Proverbs to pass down to his son(s). In Proverbs, Solomon also describes the “Proverbial Man of Noble Character” not just the Pro 31 woman. God is not sexist or discriminatory. Unfortunately, many of the men and women who preach, teach and share God’s word are. They preach primarily on the woman’s duty while OMITTING verses that talk about a man’s duty. Those verses are in the Bible. Unfortunately, you’ll probably never hear about those verses (man’s duty) in church. That’s why it is so important for believers to have their own individual relationships and study time with God.

    Proverbial Man of Noble Character
    A wise man will hear and increase in learning, And a man of
    understanding will acquire wise counsel. Pro 1:5
    Reprove a wise man and he will love you. Pro 9:8
    Give instruction to a wise man and he will be still wiser, Teach a
    righteous man and he will increase his learning. Pro 9:9
    …a man of understanding holds his peace. Pro 11:12
    The generous man will be prosperous, And he who waters will himself be watered. Pro 11:25
    A good man will obtain favor from the LORD. Pro 12:2
    A wise man is he who listens to counsel. Pro 12:15
    A prudent man overlooks an insult. Pro 12:16
    A righteous man hates falsehood… Pro 13:5
    Every prudent man acts with knowledge. Pro13:16
    He who walks with wise men will be wise. Pro 13:20
    A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children. Pro 13:22
    The sensible man considers his steps. Proverbs 14:15
    A wise man is cautious and turns away from evil. Pro 14:16
    He who is slow to anger has great understanding. Pro 14:29
    A man of understanding walks straight. Pro 15:21
    …he who has a cool spirit is a man of understanding. Pro 17:27.
    What is desirable in a man is his kindness. Pro 19:22
    A righteous man who walks in his integrity– How blessed are his sons after him. Pro 20:7
    A wise man scales the city of the mighty And brings down the stronghold in which they trust. Pro 21:22
    A prudent man sees danger, and hides himself… Pro 22:3, 27:12
    A wise man is strong, And a man of knowledge increases power. Pro 24:5
    For a righteous man falls seven times, and rises again, But the wicked stumble in time of calamity. Pro 24:16
    A faithful man will abound with blessings, But he who makes haste to be rich will not go unpunished. Pro 28:20
    A fool always loses his temper, But a wise man holds it back. Pro 29:11

    The wisdom of Proverbs is for both men and women. Many of the attributes used to describe the virtuous woman apply to men too. Case in point, a virtuous wife will do her husband “good.” As believers, men and women are admonished to “do good” to our enemies (Luke 6:27, 35). Hebrews 13:16 is another example where Christians are admonished to “do good” and to share with others. The virtuous woman is hard working and not idle. Apostle Paul proclaimed the value of hard work and sternly warned men (and women) not to be idle (2 Thess 3:6-12).
    The virtuous woman’s words are wise and kind. Likewise, Psalms 37:30 states that “the mouth of the righteous man utters wisdom, and his tongue speaks what is just.”
    The virtuous woman takes times to care for the poor and needy. As believers, we are all admonished to care for the poor and needy (Matt 25:34-40).
    The most publicized Proverbs are usually the ones about women/wives. However, Proverbs contains a plethora of wisdom and knowledge vital to the entire body of Christ.

    In my study of the Bible, I’ve discovered that God is pretty just, equitable and even handed. However, far too many preachers and teachers are not!

    Suggested resources
    Women in the Bible for Dummies – No pun intended. This is one of my must haves!

    There is an emerging Christian Feminist Movement going on. Some of the people below are pioneers of that movement. Unfortunately, that movement hasn’t started in the Black church yet. With the Black church being deeply patriarchal, it’ll probably be a long time before the Black Church considers Christian feminism.

    Rachel Held Evans, Sarah Moon, Dianna Anderson, and Danielle Vermeer – Christian Feminist Bloggers

    God Bless!

    • Wow! Thank you for this comment! You are clearly more knowledgable on the subject than I am. I’ve been wrestling with whether or not there is a place for Christian women within feminism, because frankly, a lot of the mainstream feminist rhetoric can be quite extreme. But I will definitely be googling those names you listed. There has to be some way to empower and restore women without hating or putting down men; because although men were instrumental in starting the problem, it’s what women do to each other and allow others to do to us that hurts the most. I get frustrated when I see how the early female disciples interacted and were treated, then I turn around and see how women are often marginalized within churches that wouldn’t be able to function without them. Let me stop here before I write another article in the comment section. Lol! Thank you, once again, for reading & contributing your knowledge. I love this! Be blessed :)

  3. Here’s a very timely article. One of the bloggers I follow posted this recently:
    Thank you, God, for making me a woman.

    Thank you, God, for making me a woman!

    When I read it, I thought about your post. I didn’t list this site in my original comment, but she’s another blogger who wages war against gender discrimination in the Christian community. Just thought I would mention it.

  4. I love your post, but do have some points of concern. Remember that it is not a case of women following the examples of the women of faith, and men following the example of Jesus.

    Men and women should both follow the example of Jesus. It is Christ-ianity, not women-of-faith-ianity.

    • Thank you for your commentary and I love your blog! I appreciate your critique and recognize that I failed to acknowledge that we are all to follow in the example of Christ. In writing those words about great women vs. Christ, I was alluding to popular scriptures that are often used to define the roles of husbands and wives. In trying to emphasize my point about double-standards, I contributed to the notion that women only exist to hold down the house while men go out and do the work of the Lord. This disregards the reality that men and women were preaching the gospel, making disciples, and leading communities side by side, without internal resistance, up until a certain, post-biblical point in Christian history.

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